811.4061 Musa Dagh/36
The Turkish Ambassador (Münir) to the Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs (Murray)
My Dear Mr. Murray: A few days ago Mr. Orr of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer called on me at the Embassy to discuss the filming of the [Page 1056] Musa Dagh. As a result of our conversation he joined us to admit that the filming of this novel, whatever modifications it might be subjected to, could not but be harmful from every standpoint.
Consequently he declared that they would rather drop this scheme altogether.
I have already informed my government of the satisfactory result reached through the kind support of the State Department.
In this connection it is an agreeable duty for me to extend to you my best thanks and hearty appreciation for the efforts you have been so kind to exert in this matter without which the happy conclusion which has created an excellent impression in my country could not possibly have been attained.
Reiterating my gratitude [etc.]