- The Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments, Geneva: 1935
(Documents 1–70)
- I. Meeting of the Special Committee for the Trade in and Private and
State Manufacture of Arms and Implements of War, February 14–April 13,
1935 (Documents 1–58)
- II. First reading of text prepared by the United States (November 20,
1934) (Documents 59–68)
- III. Closing of the Geneva office of the American Delegation (Documents 69–70)
- I. Meeting of the Special Committee for the Trade in and Private and
State Manufacture of Arms and Implements of War, February 14–April 13,
1935 (Documents 1–58)
- London Naval Conference, 1935
(Documents 71–154)
- The Anglo-German Naval Agreement, June 18, 1935 (Documents 155–161)
- Analyses by American Diplomatic Missions of political events in Europe of
special interest to the United States in connection with the maintenance of
peace (Documents 162–220)
- Unfavorable attitude of the Department of State to aid by agencies of the
United States in financing sales of war materials to foreign
(Documents 221–224)
- Cooperation with the Senate Committee Investigating the Munitions Industry
(Nye Committee) in preparation of legislation with respect to neutrality and
for the control of traffic in arms (Documents 225–246)
- Representations by certain foreign governments regarding the Senate
Committee Investigating the Munitions Industry (Nye Committee)
(Documents 247–259)
- Status of intergovernmental debts owed the United States by reason of the
First World War
(Documents 260–268)
- Rejection by the Senate of the resolution for adherence by the United
States to the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice
(Documents 269–274)
- Negotiations for the suppression of liquor smuggling into the United
(Documents 275–328)
- Attitude of the United States with respect to League of Nations activities
in the regulation of traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs
(Documents 329–334)
- Reconsideration by the Senate of reservation attached to consent to
ratification of the Arms Traffic Convention, signed at Geneva, June 17,
(Documents 335–344)
- Representations by foreign governments regarding bills for the deportation
of certain alien seamen
(Documents 345–354)
- Opposition by certain foreign governments and by the Department of State
to provisions in proposed shipping legislation (Documents 355–364)
- Representations by certain foreign governments against income tax in the
United States on non-resident aliens (Documents 365–378)
- Inquiry by the Nansen International Office for Refugees concerning the
possibility of settling refugees in the United States (Documents 379–382)
- Inquiries addressed to European governments regarding their possible
adherence to the Treaty for the Protection of Artistic and Scientific
Institutions and Historic Monuments
(Documents 383–392)
- Negotiations for the establishment of a trans-Atlantic air transport
service (Documents 393–402)
- Supplementary extradition treaties signed between the United States and certain other countries
- Approval by the Secretary of State of the economic program adopted by the
Assembly of the League of Nations, September 28, 1935 (Documents 403–413)
- Interest of the United States in the work of the Joint Committee for the
Study of Compensation and Clearing Agreements, Geneva, March 25, 1935
(Documents 414–418)
- Standard general provisions for trade agreements negotiated under the Act
of June 12, 1934 (Document 419)
- Non-applicability of foreign regulations concerning social insurance to
employees of American Consulates (Document 420)