765.84/382: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Italy (Kirk)
101. Your telegram No. 299, June 15, 6 p.m. Following for your confidential information.
There are no treaties or statutes restricting the exportation from the United States of arms and implements of war consigned to either the Italian or the Ethiopian Government. Under existing conditions, the Department does not contemplate taking any steps to secure legislation under which restrictions on the exportation of such articles to Italy or Ethiopia could be imposed. Automobile trucks do not in any case come under any recognized definition of what constitutes arms and implements of war.
We have no information, other than that contained in the statements made to you at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by Rosso in his conversations on April 27 and May 2, in regard to any recent shipments of arms or other war supplies from this country to Ethiopia. We are endeavoring to obtain statistical information which will be transmitted to you.