765.84/2635: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Straus) to the Secretary of State

975. Bargeton11 has furnished Marriner in strict confidence with a copy of the French reply to the Italian note of November 11 which will probably be released for publication on Saturday. The Italian note called the attention of the French Government to the responsibilities implied in, and the consequences of the application of the measures for sanctions proposed by the Committee of Coordination at Geneva.

The French Government, after assuring the Italian Government that it is fully conscious of the gravity of its responsibilities, states that France in particular feels especially heavily the weight of the [Page 689] obligations which it ardently hopes can be reconciled with the Franco-Italian ties of friendship.

The note continues:

“The Government of the Republic will limit itself to recalling that on the 7th of October last the delegates of all the states represented on the Council, with the exception of the Italian, confronted with incontestable facts and the imperative provisions of the pact were obliged to conclude that the Italian Government had had recourse to war in violation of article 12. In spite of the sentiments of friendship which animate it with regard to Italy the French Government was unable to deny this conclusion. From the situation thus created inevitable consequences follow. To fail in its obligations under the pact would have been gravely to compromise the possibility of the future application of the provisions thereof which constitute an essential element in the collective security assured to the members of the League. This is the imperative reason which prevents the French Government, in spite of its regard for Franco-Italian relations and for the sentiments which inspire them, likewise in spite of the difficulties that French national economy will suffer, from deferring the application of the date already fixed as November 18 of the measures with which it has declared itself to be associated.

The French Government remains no less in accord with the other members of the League of Nations in event that the application of the provisions of pact which under the terms of article 16 make certain restrictions obligatory and in addition also feels it a moral duty to seek as rapidly as possible a pacific solution of the present conflict.

The Italian Government is aware that the French Government has neglected no effort in this direction. Confident in the encouragement given to its and to that of the British Government during the last meeting of the Council of Coordination, it will persevere in this effort. While awaiting a settlement of the conflict which will put an end to the measure called for by the pact, the French Government desires to affirm that no one of them in so far as Italy is concerned partakes of the character of the hostile which the Italian Government would seem to attribute to them. Italy whose eminent role in the foundation of the League of Nations is recalled by the Italian Government cannot fail to recognize this truth. The Government of the Republic expresses the wish and renews the hope that the time will be hastened when the present conflict shall come to an end to the greatest advantage for the commonwealth of peoples and international collaboration.”

  1. Telegram in three sections.
  2. Director of Political and Commercial Affairs, French Foreign Office.