150.071 Control/205
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Western European Affairs (Moffat)
The Netherland Minister called this afternoon to renew his protest against the King-Dies Bill. I got in touch with Mr. Simmons, of the Visa Division, who informed me that the Bill had been favorably reported to the Senate and to the House on June 10. He said the Department had reiterated its opposition and that Mr. Carr10 had as in the past testified against it. We could not predict the ultimate fate but we must bear in mind that this session will last through next-year and that the measure was liable to be called to the floor at any time. The Minister remarked that in that case everything possible would appear to have been done but that the Bill, if passed, would have disastrous results on their shipping.
- Wilbur J. Carr, Assistant Secretary of State.↩