150.071 Control/196

The Canadian Minister (Herridge) to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Secretary: I notice that bills “to provide for the deportation of certain alien seamen and for other purposes”, have been introduced in the 74th Congress by Senator King, Mr. Dies,4 and Mr. Schulte.5 These measures are identical, except for certain minor changes, with the bills which have been before several previous Congresses.

I should be glad if you would refer in this connection to a memorandum from the Canadian Legation which was left at the Department of State on January 27th, 1932.6 The Government of Canada [Page 462] continue to feel the same concern over the effects of the enactment of this legislation; and I should be grateful if you would take steps to ensure that the objections expressed in the memorandum in question are considered in connection with the pending bills.

Believe me [etc.]

W. A. Herridge
  1. H. R. 2885, introduced on January 4, 1935, by Martin Dies of Texas; Congressional Record, vol. 79, pt. 1, p. 125.
  2. H. R. 5380, introduced on February 5, 1935, by William T. Schulte of Indiana: ibid., pt. 2, p. 1501.
  3. Foreign Relations, 1932, vol. i, p. 956.