The Assistant Secretary of State (Sayre) to President Roosevelt
My Dear Mr. President: Senator Robinson asked me to tell you of the action of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations this morning with regard to the World Court. Senator Robinson introduced the resolution which I had previously agreed to with him embodying the so-called Reed Amendment but without the objectional Moses reservation and without the two objectionable understandings concerning “special treaties” and concerning the Monroe Doctrine. This resolution [Page 386] was carried just as introduced and Senator Robinson was authorized to report it out as thus carried. I enclose a copy of the resolution.10
The Reed Amendment is merely a restatement of the Senate Fifth Reservation and of Mr. Root’s understanding. I do not feel that its inclusion is in any way injurious and I am confident that its inclusion will remove the ground for much hostility and opposition.
Senator Robinson did a splendid piece of work.
Faithfully yours,
- See telegram No. 2, January 9, 5 p.m., to the Consul at Geneva, infra.↩