- Abyssinia. See Ethiopia.
- Afghanistan, U. S. recognition of Government of Mohammed Zahir Shah, 747–750
- Agreements. See Trade agreements; Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Anti-dumping Act of 1921, cited, 400, 402–403, 405
- Anti-trust Act of 1914, cited, 444–445, 455–456
- Arms and munitions. See under Turkey.
- Austria, 1–70
- Dollfuss, Engelbert. See Political developments: Murder of Chancellor Dollfuss, infra.
- Economic conditions, 2, 4, 8, 26, 43
- German crisis of June 30 (“Blood Purge”), reaction in Austria, 229–230
- Oil imports, U. S. assistance to Vacuum Oil Co. in its effort to secure increase in quota, 61–70
- Political developments:
- Catholic Church, attitude, 5
- Economic conditions, relation, 2, 4, 8, 26, 33, 43
- German involvement. See under Murder of Chancellor Dollfuss and Nazi activities, infra.
- Heimwehr, role of, 11–13, 18, 19, 21–22, 26, 37, 42
- Jewish question, 2, 3, 4, 5, 19
- Murder of Chancellor Dollfuss and attempted Nazi putsch: Events, reports concerning, 29–30, 32, 33, 35–40, 41, 44–45, 46–47; German involvement, 31, 34, 37, 38–39, 40–41, 44–46; Italian troop orders, relation to, 32, 41, 49; letters of sympathy sent by U. S. Secretary of State and President Roosevelt, 31: organization and aims of Schuschnigg Cabinet follow, 32, 33, 34–35, 41–42, 43
- Nazi activities (see also Murder of Chancellor Dollfuss, supra):
- Papen, Franz von, appointment as German Minister and significance of mission, 32, 34, 39–41, 47–49, 49–57, 57
- Socialist uprising and its suppression, reports concerning, 10–12, 14–15, 16–17, 18–20, 21–22, 25, 42
- Stra meeting of Hitler and Mussolini, relation to, 27–28
- Viewpoint of Czechoslovakia, 17–18, 31; France, 7, 9, 13, 15–16, 28, 34, 44; Germany, 9, 10, 24, 27, 38, 39–41, 42–43, 54–56; Great Britain, 7–8, 9, 13–14, 34, 38, 44, 49; Italy, 9, 12, 13–14, 15, 24, 25, 27, 34, 41, 44, 49; Sweden, 52–53; United States, 4, 20–21, 33–34, 44
- Trade agreement with United States, possibility of opening negotiations for, 58–61; visit of Austrian trade mission to United States, 58–59
- Aviation, U. S. arrangements with—
- Bahrein, Persian claim to sovereignty in, 890–893
- Bank for International Settlements, 362–363, 367
- Belgium (see also
Morocco), 71–98
- Agreement with United States concerning reciprocal recognition of airworthiness of aircraft (1932), suspension of denunciation of, 94–98
- Taxation of American firms operating in Belgium through Belgian agents: Information on change in tax policy and U. S. informal representations, 87–91; situation of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., 88–89, 91–93
- Trade agreement with United States, preliminary discussions, 71–86
- Boycott. See under Germany: Anti-Nazi activities in United States.
- Bulgaria, 99–109
- Capitulatory rights in Egypt, 751–753; in French Zone of Morocco, 845, 851–854, 867
- Cartel, international nitrate, 213, 214
- Catholic Church, in Austria, 5; in Germany, 268–270, 271–273, 277
- Churches in Germany, Nazi efforts to control, 265–280
- Claims. See Germany: Mixed Claims Commission; Turkey: Agreement with United States for the settlement of claims; and under Ethiopia and Finland.
- Commercial treaties and agreements. See Trade agreements; and under Treaties.
- Commissions:
- Anglo-Ethiopian Boundary Commission, 765–766, 774
- High Commission for Refugees (Jewish and Other) Coming from Germany. See under Germany.
- International Financial Commission, 538, 542, 543, 545–546, 547
- Mixed Claims Commissions:
- U. S.–Germany. See under Germany.
- U. S.–Turkey. See Turkey: Agreement with United States.
- Conventions. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Czechoslovakia, 110–122
- Austrian political situation, views on, 17–18, 31
- German minority, report of U. S. Chargé concerning their history, current situation, relation to Czechoslovak Government, and attitude toward National Socialism and Germany, 110–120
- Mormon missionaries threatened with expulsion, U. S. informal representations on behalf of, 120–122
- Danzig, Free City of. See Poland.
- Dawes and Young loans, service of See under Germany: External debt
- Debts. See Germany: Debt agreement with United States and External debt; Greece: American loans.
- Denmark, 123–128
- Diplomatic immunity, case of chauffeur of Rumanian Minister, 684–686
- Disarmament Conference, General, 976–979
- Discrimination, alleged, against American trade in—
- Belgium, taxation of American firms operating in Belgium through Belgian agents, 87–94
- Estonia, 129–133
- France, restrictions on importation of nitrates, 210–214
- Germany. See Germany: External debt; also under Germany: Trade relations.
- Greece. See under Greece.
- Latvia, 614–616
- Portugal. See Portugal: Flag discrimination.
- Turkey, 956–958, 959
- Dual nationality and military service, proposed treaty between United States and Bulgaria concerning, 102–106
- Egypt, U. S. disinclination to acquiesce in diminution of capitulatory rights concerning air navigation over Egypt without prior assent, 751–753
- Estonia, alleged discrimination against American trade, U. S. representations concerning, 129–133
- Ethiopia, 754–780
- Claim of an American citizen for illegal detention in Ethiopia, U. S. insistence upon satisfactory settlement, 775–780
- Italian-Ethiopian conflict:
- Preliminary Italian maneuvers against Ethiopian independence:
- Walwal incidents, dispute resulting from:
- U. S. protest against discourtesy to the American Minister in connection with illegal detention in Ethiopia of an American citizen, 775–780
- Export-Import Bank, 945, 955, 958, 965–968, 969
- Extradition (see also under Treaties), Turkish extradition of Samuel Insull, 576–579
- Fascism in Austria, 1, 11–13
- Finance Corporation of America. See under Liberia.
- Finland, 134–166
- Claims against United States arising from the detention of Finnish ships in American harbors, representations concerning, 147, 150–157, 160, 161–166; U. S. position, 147–150, 157–160
- Trade agreement with United States, preliminary discussions concerning, 141–146
- Treaty of friendship, commerce, and consular rights with United States: Negotiations, 134–140; text signed Feb. 13, citation to, 141
- Firestone interests. See Liberia: Finance Corporation of America and Firestone interests.
- Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, 334, 341, 344–347, 348–350, 355–356, 368, 374
- France (see also
Morocco), 167–214
- Austrian political situation, views on, 7, 9, 13, 15–16, 28, 44
- Discriminatory restrictions on importation of nitrates, U. S. informal representations concerning, 210–213, 214; French position, 213
- Double taxation convention with United States (1932), question of ratification by France: French concern over possible further devaluation of the dollar in United States and other monetary matters, 170–172; relation to question of negotiation of a trade agreement between United States and France, 186–188; U. S. efforts leading to French ratification, 167–170, 172–175
- Ethiopian-Italian conflict, French attitude, 757–760, 762–763, 768–769, 775
- Tariff on American rice imported into France, U. S. efforts to secure minimum rate, 190–196
- Trade agreement with United States, preliminary discussions, 175–190
- Turkey’s alleged desire for revision of Straits Convention, French attitude, 974–975
- Turnover tax on American imports, U. S. efforts to use name protection of French wines to secure reduction of:
- Wines, question of protection in American markets for names of origin. See Turnover tax, supra.
- Germany (see also
Austria: Political
developments: German involvement; Czechoslovakia: German
minority), 215–532
- Anti-Nazi activities in United States, German protests and U. S. position: Boycott of German goods, public utterances against Nazi regime, and other activities, 507–508, 513–515, 516–521, 525–526; film “Hitler’s Reign of Terror” and other motion pictures, 521–525; mock trial of Hitler in New York, 509–513, 515–516
- Arrangement with United States granting relief from double income tax on shipping profits, 498–502
- Churches, Nazi efforts to control: Catholic Church, 268–270, 271–273, 277; Evangelical churches, 265–268, 270–271, 273–280
- Claims. See Mixed Claims Commission, infra.
- Commercial treaty with United States (1923). See under Trade relations, infra.
- Debt agreements with United States of June 23, 1930, and May 26,
1932, amounts due under:
- Inquiries by United States as to Germany’s intentions relative to its obligation, 469–470, 493–495; German attitude, 471–475, 496–498
- Negotiations for transfer transaction in connection with payment due Sept. 30, 1933, 478–480, 481–484
- Partial payment of interest, 475–478
- Postponement of payment due Sept. 30, 1934, 481
- Educational institutions: Nazification of schools and teaching practices, 281–290; restriction of enrollment in universities, 280–281
- External debt, difficulties arising from German
discrimination and curtailment of service:
- American and British bondholders of other than Dawes and
Young loans, discrimination against (see
Negotiations, infra):
- Position of British Government and bondholders, 331–334, 341, 343, 354–355, 367–368; German attitude, 335, 336–337, 343, 343–344
- U. S. position and protests, 332–338, 338–340, 342, 344–345, 347–348, 354, 368–373, 385–386, 396–399; German contentions, 338, 342–344, 345, 356–363, 367, 380–385, 386, 399
- Dawes and Young loans, question of servicing:
- Negotiations between creditors and the German Government: Representation of American interests by Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, 334, 341, 344–347, 348–350, 355–356, 368, 374; special agreements of German Government with Netherlands and Swiss Governments, 334–335, 336, 340–342, 343–344, 350–354, 364–366, 368, 373–376, 392
- Résumé of situation, 387–396
- Transfer situation in Germany (see also Negotiations: Special agreements, supra), German communications to United States of—
- American and British bondholders of other than Dawes and
Young loans, discrimination against (see
Negotiations, infra):
- High Commission for Refugees (Jewish and Other) Coming from
Germany, U. S. interest in work of:
- Meetings of Governing Body of the High Commission (see also Recommendations, infra), U. S. participation, 303–304, 308, 316–318
- Monetary transfers from Germany, question of, 312, 319
- Recommendations of Governing Body concerning passports, treatment of stateless refugees, and refugees of non-German origin:
- Transfer of office of High Commission from Lausanne to London, 315–316
- Hindenburg, Paul von, 225, 228, 231, 232, 240, 242, 243, 256
- Hitler, Adolf, 27–28, 216, 218–223, 225, 228–256 passim, 267–269, 277–278, 419
- Hitler Youth, 224, 265–266, 268–269, 285–288
- Jews, Nazi persecution of, 291–301; U. S. Congressional resolution relative to, discussion concerning, 293–294
- Labor, Nazi control of: Law of Jan. 20 establishing new labor code, 256–260; law of May 15 for regulation of labor distribution, 260–263; decree of Oct. 24 defining status and purpose of Labor Front, 263–265
- Mixed Claims Commission, U. S.–Germany, U. S.
efforts to conclude settlement of claims under:
- Miscellaneous cases, U. S. desire to complete settlement pending final disposition of sabotage cases, 485–487, 490–491; German attitude, and disposition of certain cases, 491–493
- Sabotage cases, question of action on, 487–491
- U. S. inquiry as to Germany’s intentions relative to payments due under debt agreement of June 23, 1930, 493–495; German position, 496–498
- Nazi propaganda in United States, U. S. attitude toward, 526–532
- Oil reserves, German efforts to increase through arrangements with Anglo-Persian, Royal Dutch Shell, and Standard Oil of New Jersey:
- Papen, Franz von: Mission to Austria, 32, 34, 39–41, 47–49, 49–57, 57; speech on aims of German revolution, and reaction of other leaders, 224, 225–229, 231, 235, 242
- Political developments under National Socialist regime:
- Concentration of governmental powers, laws and decrees increasing, 215–216, 217–218, 238, 244, 248–251
- Crisis of June 30 (“Blood Purge”): Reports concerning, 229–238, 240–243; speech of U. S. official regarding, German protest and U. S. position, 238–240
- Death of President Hindenburg and assumption by Hitler of Presidential powers sanctioned by plebiscite, 243–247, 256
- Foreign policy: Propaganda activities directed toward Germans abroad, 253–255; Stra meeting between Hitler and Mussolini, 27–28, 222–223; relations with United States, discussion between U. S. Ambassador and Hitler concerning, 218–221
- Military organizations: Reichswehr, 217, 222, 224, 228, 230, 231, 235, 236, 241, 243, 247, 252, 254, 258; Schutzstaffel (S. S.), 216–217, 221, 224, 235, 236, 237, 240, 242, 243, 258, 275; Stahlhelm, 221–222, 233, 247; Sturmabteilung (S. A.), 216–217, 221, 222, 224, 229, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 240, 242, 243, 258, 275
- Papen, Franz von, speech on aims of German revolution, and reaction of other leaders, 224, 225–229, 231, 235, 242
- Reichsrat, abolition of, 217–218
- Social and economic discontent, reports on evidences of, 216–217, 224–225, 240, 243, 251–253
- Propaganda: Activities directed toward Germans abroad, 253–255; cases of Nazi propaganda in United States, U. S. attitude, 526–532
- Stra meeting between Hitler and Mussolini, 27–28, 222–223
- Trade relations with United States:
- Commercial treaty with United States (1923): Abrogation, question of, 445, 452, 454; modification of art. 7, German intentions regarding, 453, 454–455, 463–464
- Commodities, discussions concerning: Automotive products, 441, 455, 458–460; lard, 365–366, 422, 424–426, 432–433, 442–443; lumber and wire, 446, 447; wines and spirits, 406–410, 417–418
- Discrimination against American shipping, 386, 437–440, 441–442, 447–448, 456–458, 461
- Exchange restrictions, 428–429, 430–432
- Message from Hitler to President Roosevelt regarding economic restoration, and reply, 419
- Most-favored-nation clause (see also Commercial treaty, supra): German basis of application, 419–420, 423–424; question of redefining, 407–408, 409–414
- Proposals with respect to general trade situation: Discussions, general, 421–423, 468–469; German proposal looking toward direct negotiations, 461–467; U. S. memorandum of possible procedures, 448–453
- Scrip procedure, German explanation of and discussions with United States, 400–406
- Summary of German actions detrimental to American trade interests, 392–395, 396
- Trade agreement with United States, possibility of negotiating, 415, 416–417, 418, 420–421, 426–428, 429–430, 434–437, 443–444, 446, 447, 448–451, 461–462
- Trade mission to United States, proposed, 415–417, 422–423
- U. S. Anti-trust Act, question of possible violation, 444–445, 455–456
- U. S. special tax on use of certain foreign-built boats in United States, German protests and U. S. legislative action, 502–507
- Great Britain (see also Germany: External debt and Oil reserves; Morocco): Austrian political situation, British views, 7–8, 9, 13–14, 34, 38, 44, 49; Ethiopian-Italian conflict, British attitude, 757–760, 762–763, 768–769, 770–771, 773; Liberia, British exchange of views with United States relative to reforms in, 796–797, 798–801, 803–804, 825–826; Turkey, alleged desire for revision of Straits Convention, British attitude, 979–980
- Greece, 533–583
- American loans to Greece under the Agreements of May 10, 1929, and May 24,
1932, U. S. insistence upon Greek responsibility for the
service of:
- Greek delay and failure to service debt fully: Attitude toward loans and ability to pay, 533–536, 549; partial payment of interest, 537–538, 541–544, 546–547; postponement of payment of Bond No. 13, 538–539
- International Financial Commission, activity of, 538, 542, 543, 545–546, 547
- U. S. statements of Greek indebtedness, 539–541, 544–545, 547–549
- Discrimination against American trade in the barter policy of the Greek Government: Information concerning Greek actions contrary to modus vivendi of 1924, and basis of present policy, 550, 553, 555–557; negotiation of a reciprocal trade agreement as possible solution, exploratory conversations relative to, 558–566; U. S. representations, reports and discussions concerning, 550–552, 553–555
- Insull, Samuel, case of:
- Loans. See American loans to Greece, supra.
- American loans to Greece under the Agreements of May 10, 1929, and May 24,
1932, U. S. insistence upon Greek responsibility for the
service of:
- Hitler, Adolf, 27–28, 216, 218–223, 225, 228–256 passim, 267–269, 277–278, 419
- Immigration Acts, cited, 313, 314–315
- Insull, Samuel. See under Greece.
- Iraq, extradition treaty with United States, text signed June 7, 781–787
- Italy (see also
Ethiopia: Italian-Ethiopian
conflict; Morocco), 584–613
- Austrian political situation, Italian views, 9, 12, 13–14, 15, 24, 25, 27, 34, 41, 44, 49
- Extradition treaty with United States to replace treaty of March 23, 1868, proposed, 601–606
- Import quota system, U. S. representations concerning basis and retroactive character of, 597–601
- Income tax exemption on reciprocal basis for journalists, Italian proposal and U. S. reply, 612–613
- Nationality, conditions indicating voluntary acceptance of Italian nationality conferred upon naturalized American citizens under Italian law, 606–612
- Trade agreement with United States, preliminary discussions relative to, 584–597
- Turkey’s alleged desire for revision of Straits Convention, Italian attitude, 975–976, 981–982
- Japan: Competition in Moroccan trade, 846, 848–849, 850, 852–853, 856, 858, 861, 862, 867, 881; Turkey’s alleged desire for revision of Straits Convention, Japanese attitude, 982
- Jewish question: Austria, 2, 3, 4, 5, 19; Germany, 291–301
- Kellogg-Briand Pact, 769, 770, 771
- Labor. See under Germany.
- Latvia, 614–616
- League of Nations:
- Austrian dispute with Germany, possible presentation to League, 5–7, 8–9, 13–14, 15–16, 23
- Ethiopian dispute with Italy, presentation to League, 770, 773, 774–775
- High Commission for Refugees (Jewish and Other) Coming from Germany. See under Germany.
- Liberia, League Plan of Assistance. See under Liberia.
- Turkey, Straits question. See Turkey: Convention relating to the Regime of the Straits.
- Liberia, proposed administrative and fiscal reorganization,
- Barclay Plan. See Liberian Government’s plan for reforms, infra.
- Finance Corporation of America and Firestone interests, relations with Liberian Government, 789–790, 792–793, 811–812, 825, 828–829, 830, 832–833
- League of Nations Plan of Assistance, Liberian Joint Resolution amounting to rejection of Plan:
- Liberian Government’s plan for reforms:
- Approval by Liberian legislature, 830
- Text, dated Aug. 28, 815–823; letter of President Barclay relative to, 824–825
- Transmittal to United States, and comments by Harry A. McBride in his report of Oct. 3, 806–815
- U. S. consideration, and exchange of correspondence between McBride and President Barclay, 827–835
- McBride Mission to Liberia (see also Liberian Government’s plan, supra): Purpose of mission and arrangements for, 802–805; report, Oct. 3, 806–815
- Lithuania, U. S. concern over trade policies and practices restricting American trade, 620–626
- Loans. See Germany: External debt; Greece: American loans.
- McBride Mission. See under Liberia.
- Military service. See Bulgaria: Dual nationality; Latvia: Naturalization; Yugoslavia.
- Mormon missionaries in Czechoslovakia, threatened expulsion, 120–122
- Morocco, representations by United States and other
governments for protection of treaty rights, 836–883
- French Zone:
- Customs matters. See Modification of Moroccan Customs Regime, infra.
- Extraterritorial jurisdiction of United States and Great Britain, question of maintenance, 845, 851–853, 853–854, 867
- Gate taxes, increase in, protest of United States and other governments, 841–843
- Modification of Moroccan Customs Regime, French proposal:
- Quota system, French proposal. See Modification of Moroccan Customs Regime, supra.
- Recapitulation of treaty violations and of U. S. representations, 843–844, 870–874
- Spanish Zone:
- Treaties and agreements concerning Morocco, cited: Act of Algeciras (1906), 836–877 passim; Franco-British accord of 1904, 866, 877–878; Franco-German agreement of 1911, and Franco-Spanish treaty of 1912, 877–878; Madrid Convention of 1880, 841–842, 854
- French Zone:
- Most-favored-nation clause. See under Germany: Trade relations.
- Munitions. See Turkey: Arms and munitions.
- Mussolini, Benito, 12, 24, 25, 27–28, 41, 49, 222–223, 954, 961
- National Industrial Recovery Act, 709, 711–712, 714, 729, 730–731
- Netherlands (see also
Morocco), 627–641
- Air navigation arrangement with United States, proposed, negotiations regarding, 635–641
- Germany, special agreement with. See under Germany: External debt: Negotiations.
- Trade agreement with United States, preliminary discussions, 627–635
- Nitrates, French discriminatory restrictions on importation of, 210–214
- Norway, preliminary discussions relating to a trade agreement with United States, 642–674
- Oil. See Bulgaria: Petroleum; Persia: Claim; and under Austria and Germany.
- Papen, Franz von. See under Germany.
- Persia, 884–893
- Poland, adherence of the Free City of Danzig as a contracting party to U. S.-Polish treaty of friendship, commerce, and consular rights, 675–676
- Portugal, trade relations with United States, 677–683
- Quotas (see also Morocco: French Zone: Modification of Moroccan Customs Regime): Austria, U. S. assistance to Vacuum Oil Co. in its efforts to secure increase in quota, 61–70; France, U. S. representations concerning discriminatory restrictions on importation of nitrates, 210–214; Italy, U. S. representations concerning import quota system, 597–601; Spain, agreement with United States involving quota for wines imported from Spain, 689–691
- Recognition: Afghanistan, U. S. recognition of Government of Mohammed Zahir Shah, 747–750; Bulgaria, military coup d’état, U. S. attitude, 101–102
- Refugees, High Commission for. See under Germany.
- Revenue Acts, cited, 192–193, 502–505, 627, 629, 646, 647, 652, 653–654, 673–674
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (President): Letter of sympathy upon murder of Chancellor Dollfuss of Austria, 31; opinion relative to preliminary trade agreement negotiations with Scandinavian countries, 729; recognition of Government of Mohammed Zahir Shah, King of Afghanistan, 748–750; reply to message from Hitler, 419
- Rumania, rescinding of penalties imposed in Rhode Island on chauffeur of the Rumanian Minister in violation of diplomatic immunity, 684–686
- Saar, 247
- Settlement of War Claims Act (1928), cited, 494–495, 497
- Shipping, discrimination against American shipping by Germany, 386, 437–440, 441–442, 447–448, 456–458, 461; by Portugal, 678–683
- Spain (see also Morocco), 687–708
- Sweden, 709–733
- Switzerland, 734–741
- Special agreement with Germany. See under Germany: External debt; Negotiations.
- Trade agreement with United States, preliminary discussions respecting, 734–741
- Tariff Act of 1930 (see also Trade Agreements Act), cited, 400, 402, 467, 674
- Taxation. See France: Double taxation convention and Turnover tax; Germany: Arrangement with United States and U. S. special tax; Italy: Income tax; Morocco; Norway: U. S. tax; and under Belgium.
- Trade agreements between United States and other countries:
- Trade Agreements Act of 1934 (amendment to Tariff Act of 1930), cited, 124, 127–128, 193–194, 447, 466, 558, 559–560, 634, 651, 652
- Trade discrimination. See Discrimination.
- Treaties, conventions, etc. (see also
Trade agreements):
- Algeciras, Act of (1906), 836–877 passim
- Arms Traffic Convention (1925), cited, 970
- Aviation, arrangements between United States and—
- Commercial treaties and agreements between United States and—
- Estonia (1925), cited, 132
- Finland. See Finland: Treaty.
- France: Modus Vivendi of 1927, cited, 191–192, 195, 196, 201, 208; quota agreement of 1932, cited, 211–212, 214
- Germany. See under Germany: Trade relations.
- Greece, modus vivendi of 1924, 550–566 passim
- Norway (1928), cited, 646, 648, 653, 669, 673
- Poland (1931), adherence of Free City of Danzig as a contracting party, 675–676
- Portugal, modus vivendi of 1910, cited, 683
- Spain. See Spain: Agreement with United States.
- Turkey (1929), cited, 944, 952
- Debt and claims agreements between United States and—
- Germany. See Germany: Debt agreements and Mixed Claims Commission.
- Greece. See Greece: American loans.
- Turkey. See Turkey: Agreement with United States.
- Ethiopia: Agreement between France, Great Britain, and Italy respecting independence of Ethiopia (1906), cited, 762–763; pact of amity with Italy (1928), cited, 764, 768
- Extradition treaties between United States and—
- Kellogg-Briand Pact, 769, 770, 771
- Morocco, treaties concerning. See under Morocco.
- Naturalization treaty between United States and Bulgaria (1923), cited, 105
- Oslo Convention of Economic Rapprochement (1930), cited, 83, 645, 717
- Ouchy Convention (Belgium–Netherlands–Luxemburg, 1932), 74, 76–77, 83
- Straits Convention. See Turkey: Convention relating to the Regime of the Straits.
- Sweden, commercial treaties with other countries, information concerning, 714–718
- Taxation. See France: Double taxation convention with United States; Germany: Arrangement with United States.
- Turkey, 894–990
- Agreement with United States for the settlement of claims:
- Arms and munitions of war, question of exportation
from United States:
- Information concerning Turkish preparedness program and plans for purchasing arms, 960–965
- U. S. policy not to encourage sales abroad by American firms: Definition of term “arms and munitions”, 969–971; Jones & Lamson Machine Co., question of possible sale of machinery to Turkey, 965–968, 969; steel construction material, U. S. reply to inquiry concerning, 968; trade between United States and Turkey, effect of policy on, 954–955
- Claims, U. S.-Turkish. See Agreement with United States, supra.
- Convention relating to the Regime of the Straits
- Revision, Turkey’s alleged desire for:
- Report concerning, with brief historical review, 971–972
- U. S. inquiries as to action of Turkey and attitude of other governments, 973
- Replies from France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, and Turkey, 974–976, 979–981, 981–982
- Report on developments at League of Nations and Disarmament Conference, 976–979
- Straits Commission established by the Convention, relations with League of Nations, 985–990
- Revision, Turkey’s alleged desire for:
- Extradition treaty with United States signed at Lausanne, Aug. 6, 1923, ratification by United States and Turkey, 935–939
- Insull, Samuel, extradition, 576–579
- Straits questions. See Convention relating to the Regime of the Straits, supra, and U. S. rights, infra.
- Trade relations with United States, question of improvement:
- Armament program of Turkish Government, relation to trade situation, 953–955
- Discrimination against American trade, evidences of, 956–958; Turkish assurances as to non-intention of discrimination, 959
- General situation, reports and observations of U. S. Ambassador, 940–947, 959–960; views of Department of State, 948–949
- Industrialization plan of Turkish Government, opportunities for American contracting firms, 949–951, 953–956, 958–959
- New treaty to strengthen U. S. position, possibility of, views of U. S. Ambassador, 942–943, 949, 951–953
- U. S. rights in navigation of the Straits, U. S. consideration of a possible agreement with Turkey regarding, 974, 981, 983–985
- U. S. citizens: Ethiopia, illegal detention of Dr. Reuben S. Young, U. S. representations, 775–780; Italy, conditions indicating voluntary acceptance of Italian nationality conferred upon naturalized American citizens under Italian law, 606–612; Yugoslavia, right of American citizens of Yugoslav birth to visit Yugoslavia without being liable for military service, 742–746
- U. S. commercial interests (see also Liberia: Finance Corporation of America and Firestone interests): Curtiss-Wright Corp., 945, 953, 957; Goodyear Tire and Rubber Export Co., 88–89, 91–93; Jones & Lamson Machine Co., 965–968, 969; Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., 106–109; Standard Oil Co. of California, 890–893; Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, 320–331; United States Lines Operations, Inc., 498–502; Vacuum Oil Co., 61–70
- U. S. Congress: Resolution relative to treatment of Jews in Germany, discussion concerning, 293–294; resolution of July 2, 1921, relative to claims against Germany, cited, 494
- U. S. Treasury Department, opinion on nature of U. S. tax levied on whale oil imported from Norway, 653–654, 673–674
- Whale oil imported from Norway, U. S. tax on, 646, 646–649, 650–655, 671–674
- Wines and liquors. See France: Turnover tax; Spain: Agreement with United States; and under Portugal.
- Young, Dr. Reuben S. (U. S. citizen), claim for illegal detention in Ethiopia, 775–780
- Yugoslavia, right of American citizens of Yugoslav birth to visit Yugoslavia without being liable for military service, 742–746
- Zeelandia, case cited, 156, 165–166