882.01 Foreign Control/860a
The Secretary of State to Mr. Harry McBride, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State
My Dear Mr. McBride: The deplorable conditions in Liberia which have been aggravated by the refusal of the present Liberian Administration to accept without stultifying reservations the Plan of Assistance prepared by the League of Nations at Liberia’s own request, have made it necessary for this Government to reconsider the policy it should pursue toward that Republic.
I am therefore asking you to make a brief visit to Liberia and endeavor to ascertain:
- (a)
- whether the Liberian Administration wishes the United States to disinterest itself in Liberia;
- (b)
- whether the Liberian Administration desires (1) American help, or (2) a form of Franco-British-American help, and if either, to what degree and subject to what conditions and undertakings on its part;
- (c)
- in any event, whether you are able to obtain definite information on either of these points, I should appreciate your making an analysis of the situation in Liberia, both domestic and international, with a view to presenting recommendations upon your return as to what course of action you feel this Government should properly pursue.
In asking you to proceed and return via France and England, I am glad to authorize you in your discretion to consult either coming or going with the competent British or French officials.
Very sincerely yours,