882.01 Foreign Control/788

A Joint Resolution by the Senate and House of Representatives of Liberia Authorizing the President of Liberia To Complete Negotiations in Connection With the League’s Plan of Assistance to Liberia, Approved January 12, 1934,2

Whereas the Government of Liberia did appeal to the League of Nations to render assistance to Liberia on the lines of education, finance, economics and native administration; and

Whereas the League of Nations in a form of protocol adopted by the majority on October 13, 19333 has submitted a Plan of Assistance for the consideration of the Liberian Government in compliance with her request for assistance; Therefore

It is resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Liberia in Legislature assembled:

  • Section 1. That the President of Liberia be hereby authorized to accept on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Liberia in principle the basis outlined in the said proposed Plan of Assistance laid down in the protocol with the following reservations:
    The bases of the scheme shall, by the League of Nations, be declared to be the political integrity and economic independence of the Republic of Liberia.
    That the Chief Adviser shall not be appointed from any State to whose Nationals the Liberian Government has financial obligations, or is under economic commitments, nor from any State having territory contiguous to Liberia.
    That to avoid any infringement of the sovereignty of Liberia, and the full responsibility of its Government, the power and rights of the Chief Adviser shall be carefully defined so as to restrict him to the precise objects to which they apply—namely: To give the Central Government the benefit of his advice and to supervise the execution of the Plan of Assistance.
    That the Deputy Provincial Commissioners shall be Liberians.
    That no power be granted to any adviser appointed under the Plan which will be in derogation of the powers and authority of the President, Legislature, or Courts constitutionally established.
    That no question affecting the interest of the State shall be subject to the decision of any outside or alien authority unless the Liberian Government shall voluntarily decide so to submit such question.
    That no body of troops or gendarmerie shall be placed under the command of foreigners; nor shall any force of police or messengers be armed for any purpose except upon the authority of the President of Liberia.
    That no official shall be engaged in the service of Liberia even if supervised or administered by the Foreign Experts except upon the prior approval or [of?], and appointed [appointment?] by, the President of Liberia, and, where required by the Constitution, confirmation by the Senate of Liberia.
    That the foreign experts shall be attached to the Departments concerned; and work in association with the Head of said Department who shall follow the advice of said experts under such sanctions as the Legislature may approve.
    That the cost of the execution of said Plan shall involve neither temporary nor permanent increase in the capital indebtedness of the Republic either to the Finance Corporation of America or otherwise, and the cost of said Plan shall be within the actual financial capacity of the Government of Liberia.
    That a moratorium on interest and sinking fund on the 1926 7% Gold Loan shall be maintained until such period when, in the opinion of the Chief Adviser in collaboration with the Government of Liberia, the interest, sinking fund, or both, may be met out of current revenues without increasing the capital indebtedness of Liberia and without recourse of [to?] the issuance of bonds.
    The Government will not concede any limitations upon its power to grant concessions to foreigners; although the Government will undertake to submit to the Chief Adviser and Financial Adviser any proposals for concessions that may be made and give due consideration to any advice they may offer thereon.
  • Section 2. The Legislature of Liberia does not approve of the provisions of the proposed supplementary agreement between the Government of the Republic of Liberia and the Finance Corporation of America as Attached to the League of Nations protocol as an annex thereto; but inasmuch as section 2 of Article 24 page 11, of the said protocol makes the operation of the Plan of Assistance contingent upon a conclusion between the Government of Liberia and the Finance Corporation of America of adequate arrangements for financing said Plan of Assistance, the President of Liberia is hereby authorized and directed to send a mission of two competent Liberian citizens to America with the least possible delay to treat with the Finance Corporation of America on the spot with a view to adjusting the differences existing between the Government of Liberia and said Corporation [Page 790] and arriving at an arrangement by which the Plan of Assistance might become operative.
  • Section 3. That the Secretary of the Treasury, R. L., be and he is hereby authorized to expend out of the public revenues a sum not exceeding $8,000.00 for the purpose of defraying the expenses (travelling) of said special mission to America, upon warrant of the President of Liberia from any funds of the Government not otherwise appropriated or assigned.

This Joint Resolution shall be published in handbills and take effect immediately.

Any law to the contrary notwithstanding.

Approved January 12, 1934.

  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Chargé in Liberia in his despatch No. 91, January 18; received February 17.
  2. Foreign Relations, 1933, vol. ii, p. 945.