
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Italy (Long)5

No. 281

Sir: Reference is made to Report No. 14028 of August 29, 1934, from the Military Attaché at your Mission regarding Italian military preparations against Ethiopia, and there is enclosed a paraphrase of a telegram, dated September 22, 1934, from the American Ambassador at Moscow,6 regarding alleged arrangements between France and Great Britain, on the one side, and Italy on the other, giving the latter a free hand in Ethiopia. The Department would be glad to receive any information you may be able to obtain regarding the matter in question.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
William Phillips
  1. Instructions similar in substance, were sent on September 27 to the diplomatic representatives in Great Britain (No. 562), France (No. 582), and Ethiopia (No. 403).
  2. Supra.