890H.001 Zahir/13

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Straus)

No. 549

Sir: With reference to the Embassy’s despatch No. 1019 of July 3, 1934,5 enclosing a letter addressed to the President by Mohammed Zahir, King of Afghanistan, which had been forwarded to the Embassy by the Afghan Minister in Paris, I enclose the President’s reply which you should transmit to the Afghan Minister with the request that he forward it to its high destination.

From the enclosed copy of the President’s letter you will observe that the United States has extended recognition to the Government of King Mohammed Zahir as of August 21, 1934.

Very truly yours,

William Phillips

President Roosevelt to Mohammed Zahir Shah, King of Afghanistan

Great and Good Friend: I have received your letter of the 24th day of April last, in which Your Majesty announced your accession to the throne of Afghanistan following upon the death of your father, His Majesty Mohammed Nadir Shah.

I cordially reciprocate the sentiments which you express and, in extending recognition to Your Majesty’s Government, take this opportunity of assuring you of my hope that friendly relations will always exist between the United States and Afghanistan. I send Your Majesty my best wishes for your personal welfare and for the prosperity of the people over whom you have been called to rule.

Your Good Friend,

Franklin D. Roosevelt

By the President:
William Phillips,
Acting Secretary of State.

  1. See footnote 1, p. 747.