The Ambassador in Germany (Dodd) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 31.]
Sir: In continuation of despatch No. 1141 of August 12, 1934,33 I have the honor to report the persistence of German sympathy for the Nazi insurgents in Austria, as shown by the horrified press comment on the death sentences imposed by the Austrian courts on insurgent Nazis.
Meanwhile, von Papen has gone to Vienna where he was met, upon arrival at the flying field, by the members of the German Legation. No member of the Austrian Government, however, appeared to welcome him. On the way from the field to the Legation he was heavily guarded by Austrian police.
In the usual exchange of speeches accompanying the presentation of credentials to President Miklas, Papen referred to himself as a Minister Plenipotentiary on Special Mission. The President, in his [Page 49] reply, referred to von Papen as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary accredited to Vienna. The new Minister also alluded to the “unfortunately troubled relations between Germany and Austria” which it was hoped to improve. President Miklas, in his turn, expressed a desire to restore the friendly character of the relations between the two States (von Staat zu Staat). Papen spoke for collaboration in the spiritual, social and economic domain for the restoration of Europe. Miklas expressed the hope that the disturbances in the economic field as between the two countries might be set aside.
Respectfully yours,
- Not printed.↩