863.00/882: Telegram
The Minister in Austria (Earle) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 28—9:45 a.m.]
37. The press here are insisting on an interview. The reasons for giving it are (1) to help heal the wounds of the uprising of February 12, (2) to encourage Dollfuss in granting even more clemency to 1,800 Socialist prisoners and, (3) to reiterate President Roosevelt’s words regarding the results of militarism in Europe. Unless I am informed you have objections I will issue the following statement March 1st, 1 p.m.
“I have seen the places where the really serious fighting took place and talked to many eye witnesses. I have two outstanding impressions.
- First. The magnificent courage displayed by every Austrian engaged in the actual conflict.
- Secondly. The fine clemency shown by the victorious Government forces who have not forgotten to be merciful to their defeated but brave brother Austrians whom, in defense of the Fatherland, they know would march shoulder to shoulder with them.
I have just come from America. It is almost impossible to believe that such a change for the better could take place in the 5 months I have been away.
Everyone there is cheerful and prosperity is coming back in leaps and bounds under the leadership of our great President.
Provided all the nations of Europe will take heed of what our President has pointed out and dispel the constant paralyzing menace of war by respecting and acknowledging the boundaries and the duties of other nations there will be an economic revival in Europe amazing in its extent. If Europe is not able to accompany America back on the road to happiness and prosperity let the burden and blame for this rest squarely upon that nation or nations who constantly rattles the sword in the scabbard and by direct or implied threat keeps all Europe in uncertainty and suspense of an offensive war that will engulf the Continent. [”]