811.512351 Double/206
Memorandum by the Counselor of Embassy in France (Marriner)19
While at the Foreign Office this morning, to see M. Rochat, M. Laval’s20 chief of cabinet, on another matter, I referred to the Double Taxation Treaty and told him that I had heard only yesterday that when M. Baréty, the Rapporteur, had been approached on the subject, he had said that without strong governmental insistence he would not report the treaty out for ratification, and that even if the Committee did so, it might very well be done with an opinion against its ratification. I recalled the promise of M. Laval to look into the matter and said that, in view of the commercial soundings-out that were now going on in Washington, this Treaty had assumed an even greater and immediate importance, since it was difficult for the United States to know what concessions it could make when it was unable to say under what tax régime American companies doing business in France would continue to exist.
M. Rochat said that he realized this feature and the length of time it had dragged on, and added that he would prepare a strong letter to M. Baréty for M. Laval’s signature at the earliest possible moment and let me know.