Statement by the Secretary of State23
Pursuant to Section 4 of an Act of Congress approved June 12, 1934, entitled “An Act to Amend the Tariff Act of 1930”24 and Executive Order No. 6750 of June 27, 1934, I hereby give notice of intention to negotiate a trade agreement with the Government of Finland.
The Committee for Reciprocity Information has prescribed that all information and views in writing and all applications for supplemental oral presentation of views shall be submitted to the Chairman of said Committee, care of the United States Tariff Commission, not later than twelve o’clock, noon, February 4, 1935. Oral presentation of views by persons whose applications therefor have been approved will be heard February 11, 1935.
Regulations of the Committee governing the form and manner of presenting views in connection with proposed foreign trade agreements were made public July 3, 1934, and are published weekly in Commerce Reports, and are contained in the Treasury Decisions of July 12 and September 6, and in various issues of the Press Releases of the Department of State, including those of July 7 and September 8.