338.1121 Zrike Bros. and Johnson/24: Telegram

The Minister in Haiti (Armour) to the Secretary of State

47. Reference Legation’s telegram No. 39, April 7, 9 p.m.; despatch No. 11 of April 7.5 The Hudicourt resolution referred to therein was adopted yesterday by a [vote] of 18 [12?] to 7 in the Senate after a heated discussion which lasted several hours. The debate in support of the resolution was led by Senator Pradel in the course of which he severely criticised the American administration in Haiti. A number of the Senators took the position that they did not favor an immediate vote but swung over to vote with the majority. It is not known whether the Government attempted to exercise any pressure to prevent passage of this resolution.

  1. Despatch No. 11 not printed.