The Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Dominican Republic (Brown)
Sir: On the return of the Minister to Santo Domingo, you will please bring the following to his attention:
It has been noted in the statement submitted by the Legation concerning the operations of the emergency fund established under the Emergency Law of October 23, 1931, that a considerable surplus has accumulated, amounting, according to the last report, to approximately $500,000.
Article 6(d) of Emergency Law No. 206 of October 23, 1931, provides:
“Any surplus of customs revenue after the said amount shall have been paid and applied to the purposes mentioned in this Article shall be turned over by the Special Emergency Agent to the Receiver General of Customs to be applied to the payment of the monthly amortization installments on the external bonds of the Republic.”
The Department’s records indicate that no action under Article 6(d) of the Emergency Law has been taken since September, 1932, when the sum of $50,000 was remitted for the amortization account. The Department desires that the Minister should bring this situation in an appropriate manner to the attention of the Dominican Government.
Very truly yours,