837.00/4245: Telegram

The Ambassador in Cuba (Welles) to the Secretary of State

382. Grau San Martín has just sent me, through Doctors Portela and Granados, the written draft of the compromise solution referred to in my telegram of October 19, 10 p.m. It appears to me an entirely satisfactory solution provided two basic points are made clear. These points involve fair representation of all important sectors on the Administrative Council or “Council of State”, as it is termed in the draft referred to.

I am advised that Grau San Martín himself and the Student Directorate have formally approved the draft and that, after receiving confidential advice from me as to whether I consider it a fair proposal, Grau San Martín himself will request the agreement of the individual leaders of the opposition parties.

In this project, copy of which will be sent by air mail, the powers of the President are limited and principal executive and legislative authority is vested in the chief of the Cabinet and in the Council of State.

[Page 494]

Portela likewise stated that Grau had informed him that should the new government be organized he himself would resign as President.
