837.00/3914: Telegram
The Ambassador in Cuba (Welles) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 18—1:05 a.m.]
273. The meeting between Grau San Martín and the leaders of the political parties lasted 5 hours The former stated he was willing to present his resignation but would only resign provided the Army and [Page 446] the Student Council accepted his resignation as well as the political parties. An agreement in principle was reached on the program of government as well as on the constitution of a national concentration Cabinet.
The leaders of the opposition groups are now in session to determine whether they will insist upon Grau San Martín’s resignation or whether they will support him, provided a new Cabinet is created in which they have confidence. They will meet again with Grau San Martín tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock to reach a final decision.
I have repeatedly today urged upon all the need for unanimous cooperation and joint support of a national government. The general situation in the country becomes hourly more serious. Even if a national government is at once constituted and we determine to accord recognition the most immediate and effective assistance on our part may not be sufficient to avert the dangers I foresee from the social revolution which is taking place and from the entire breakdown of discipline which has occurred both in the Army and among civil authorities.