Memorandum of Telephone Conversation Between the Secretary of State and the Ambassador in Cuba (Welles), September 16, 1933, 10:30 a.m.
Secretary: … If they should reach a stage where they would get together in a broad way, would we want to take up then as rapidly as we could the question of dealing with them further?
Ambassador: Yes. I think under those conditions, it is the only possible solution.
[Page 440]Secretary: That would cause the more unintelligent people everywhere, who do not know our real attitude, to see that we were doing our best to go along with the Cubans.
Ambassador: Exactly. Under those conditions I think we could “safely waive the maintenance of order question, because no government here will be able to maintain absolute order for some time to come. If we did not, at the present moment it would give US the enmity of groups that have been friendly to us, I believe.
Secretary: If we should go ahead, it would give us better team work there in the future no matter what happened—and all south of it too.