837.00/3830: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Cuba (Welles)
96. Your 233, September 11, 6 p.m. The President authorizes me to make the following statement which is now being released for Tuesday morning papers:
“The chief concern of the Government of the United States is, as it has been, that Cuba solve her own political problems in accordance with the desires of the Cuban people themselves. It would seem unnecessary to repeat that the Government of the United States has no interest in behalf of or prejudice against any political group or independent organization which is today active in the political life of Cuba. In view of its deep and abiding interest in the welfare of the Cuban people, and the security of the Republic of Cuba, our Government is prepared to welcome any Government representing the will of the people of the Republic and capable of maintaining law and order throughout the island. Such a Government would be competent to carry out the functions and obligations incumbent upon any stable Government. This has been the exact attitude of the United States Government from the beginning. This statement has been communicated to Ambassador Welles and meets his full approval.”