837.00/3809: Telegram
The Ambassador in Cuba (Welles) to the Secretary of State
[Received 3:20 p.m.]
221. My 217, September 8, 4 p.m. Shortly after speaking to the President and yourself last night I was called urgently to the National Hotel which was again surrounded by soldiers and in the front of which a considerable number of soldiers was stationed with machine guns. I found in the hotel a small commission of sergeants with orders from Batista to search the hotel and to seize all arms found in it. The officers who feared, I have no doubt with justification, that most or all of them would be seized in the course of the search had again taken to the upper floors where they were prepared to defend themselves. The situation was complicated by the fact that there were many civilians fully armed who had joined the officers and a certain number of Americans also armed prepared to prevent any search of the apartments which they occupied. I explained to Sergeant Diaz who was spokesman for the commission that if the soldiers attempted to enter the hotel they would undoubtedly be attacked by the officers and that in the course of the grave disturbances which would probably result the lives of the Americans resident in the hotel would be unquestionably endangered. I explained to him the very serious possibilities of the situation should he proceed in his attempt. He advised me that he would telephone his superiors and explain to them the representations I had made and I also requested a group of Cubans present in the hotel who are on friendly terms with some of the members of the revolutionary group in the Palace to proceed there at once and explain the point of view I had expressed. Within half an hour telephone orders came from the Palace that all troops would be once more withdrawn and orders were promptly carried out. An almost identical situation developed at half past two in the morning but in the latter case no soldiers entered the hotel. Finally at 4 o’clock this morning the line of pickets and sentries which had been stationed on all streets leading [Page 412] to the hotel were withdrawn and since then the situation has remained quiet.
The fact that the officers have been unable or unwilling to leave the hotel until now has prevented the carrying out of any of the plans they may have had in mind. No attempt was made to seize the air field or to take part in any counterrevolt.
The same feeling of high tension exists in Havana this morning that existed yesterday. Except for the disturbances around the hotel the city last night was relatively quiet although good deal of shooting occurred in one or two suburbs.