Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Latin American Affairs (Wilson)
I telephoned the Counselor of the Brazilian Embassy, Mr. Accioly, referred to our conversation yesterday, and said that Mr. Caffery wished to inquire whether, in view of the fact that Mr. Penna would not arrive before the end of the month, it would not be possible for the Ambassador with Mr. Sampaio to begin the detailed treaty discussions now.
After consulting his Ambassador Mr. Accioly telephoned me later to say, no, that the Ambassador felt it necessary to wait until Mr. Penna arrived. I said that we were quite anxious to get on with the discussions and inquired whether in view of our understanding last September that the Brazilian experts would be here about September 18, it might not be possible to expedite Mr. Penna’s sailing from [Page 23] England. Mr. Accioly said that he understood that Mr. Penna could not arrive in Washington before the end of the month.10
- On October 20, Mr. Accioly informed Mr. Wilson that Mr. Penna would be in Washington on the 28th. It was agreed that discussions should begin on Monday, October 30, at 3 p.m. (611.3231/570½)↩