
The Ambassador in Chile (Culbertson) to the Secretary of State

No. 1458

Sir: Referring to my telegram No. 63 of May 10, 6 p.m.,68 I have the honor to transmit herewith a memorandum of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the plan transmitted thereby, which provides for the reorganization of the nitrate industry. Identic memoranda are being sent to my colleagues of Great Britain, Germany and Holland. This official act of the Minister, taken with the approval of the President and the Minister of Hacienda, may be interpreted as a conciliatory step of the Government to dispose of the diplomatic issue raised by the four governments in their communications protesting the suspension of the 60 peso charge. Mr. Cruchaga stated to me that he recognizes that his memorandum does not dispose of the diplomatic issue. He said, however, that if and when an agreement is reached between the private interests and the Government for the practical solution of the question, he would then address to the interested diplomats a more comprehensive communication which he hoped would dispose of the diplomatic issue.

We should not, however, consider anything settled in this case until it is actually disposed of and covered by official communications. Therefore, if you decide to await developments before taking further diplomatic action, I hope it will at the same time be recognized that the diplomatic question remains open and that, if it is not satisfactorily disposed of later by a further reply of the Chilean Government, the American Government has an obligation to record its position in unequivocal terms with reference to the breach of an international obligation by the Chilean Government.

Respectfully yours,

W. S. Culbertson

The Chilean Ministry for Foreign Affairs to the American Embassy


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the honor to send to His Excellency the Ambassador of the United States in Chile the Memorandum [Page 187] of April 27th of the present year, presented by the Minister of Hacienda to His Excellency the President of the Republic for his consideration and which refers to a plan elaborated by the Minister concerning the reorganization of the nitrate industry.

The plan under reference is being studied by the different interests in the industry and its approval, with the small changes that may be adopted, will constitute an equitable, settlement of the divergencies of interest which had arisen.


Fundamental Bases of the Plan of Reconstruction of the Nitrate Industry

(1) The Government, the Compañía de Salitre de Chile, the Lautaro Nitrate Co. and the Compañía Anglo-Chilena are released from and hereby liquidate the obligations which they have between themselves in accordance with the following bases:

a) Juridical, commercial and financial separation of Compañía de Salitre de Chile, the Lautaro and Anglo-Chilena. Each one of said Companies shall recognize its private debts, and the common stock of Lautaro and the stock of Anglo-Chilena shall be exchanged for the common stock of Cosach issued at the time of incorporation of these Companies.

b) Definite suppression of the payment of 60 pesos per ton in the customshouses of the Republic.

c) Delivery to the Government, as contribution for the present calendar year, of the sum of 140,000,000 pesos. In order to complete this sum, there shall be taken into consideration the payments made to the Government or that shall be made on account of export taxes and on account of the Government’s share in the new Sales Corporation during the present year.

The Government is released from all obligation in favor of the Compañía de Salitre de Chile, the Lautaro, and Anglo-Chilena on delivery of lands, and the full dominion of the Government is recognized over nitrate reserves existing as of the date when Compañía de Salitre de Chile was organized. The Compañía de Salitre de Chile, the Lautaro and the Anglo-Chilena renounce all claims against the Government on account of taxes paid in excess or for any other reason whatsoever.

[Page 188]

d) Return of the full amount of the secured bonds which the Government has in its possession and renunciation by the Government of credits or claims against the Compañía de Salitre de Chile, the Lautaro, and the Anglo-Chilena on account of pending operations up to this date, including profit balances guaranteed for previous years, indemnity on account of exploitation of Government lands in the Pedro de Valdivia plant, taxes in arrears and sub-litis.

e) The Government imposes on the nitrate industry, beginning June 30, 1933, a 25% tax on the profits of the Sales Corporation to which reference is made hereinafter and the creation of which is an integral part of this plan.

f) It is expressly provided that the nitrate companies shall not pay real property tax on shutdown oficinas or on Government concessions and port facilities not in use; nor shall they pay profit tax on interest paid by the nitrate industry or on dividends paid to their shareholders.

g) The deeds or documents of incorporation of the Companies, of transference of property, and others which it may be necessary to execute as a part of the reconstruction of the nitrate industry up to June 30, 1934, shall also be exempt from stamp tax.

(2) As of July 1, 1933, a Sales Corporation shall be organized along the following general lines:

a) The Sales Corporation shall be in charge of all sales of nitrate, iodine and by-products of the nitrate industry. The total amount of nitrate produced by all the nitrate companies now in existence or which may be organized in the future, shall be sold by such Corporation.

b) The Corporation shall be administered by a Board on which the producers and the Government shall be represented. The Government shall have the intervention necessary for the supervision of its interests, maintenance of order within the industry, and supervision of the fundamental interests of the country connected with the industry.

c) For the purpose of the nitrate sales that shall be made by the Sales Corporation, the following quotas are fixed: ⅔ for the Compañía Lautaro and Anglo-Chilena and ⅓ for the companies incorporated into the Compañía de salitre de Chile. These enterprises shall agree among themselves as to the distribution within their quotas of the amount of Shanks nitrate and Guggenheim nitrate that shall be acquired in order to satisfy the requirements of both products. The quotas that shall be granted to the independent nitrate producers shall be deducted from those mentioned above pro rata with the respective rights.

d) Nitrate stocks belonging to the different companies which form the Compañía de Salitre de Chile, the Lautaro and the Anglo-Chilena, [Page 189] shall be acquired by the Sales Corporation at the price of £3 per ton f. a. s. (free alongside ship) and shall be paid for in proportion with the sales.

Out of the price obtained in excess of £3 per ton, 25% shall be for the benefit of the Government and 75% for the respective previous owners.

While yearly sales remain under 1,000,000 tons, only 20% of the total amount of sales shall correspond to stocks. When the sales exceed 1,000,000 tons per year, 33% of the excess of 1,000,000 tons shall correspond to sales of stocks.

e) The Sales Corporation shall pay the producers for the nitrate at the industrial cost price controlled by the Government, and without any charge on account of debt services, plus 1.50 dollars per ton of nitrate.

The difference between the price paid to the producers and the sales price, upon deduction of the Corporation expenses, shall be considered to be the profit of the nitrate industry and 25% therefrom shall be the Government’s share. The remaining 75%, which shall be considered as the profit of the Sales Corporation, shall be distributed among the producers pro rata with their quota, after service of the bonds referred to in the following paragraph.

f) The Sales Corporation shall be empowered to issue bonds up to a total of 51,000,000 dollars which shall be considered as a preferred charge. Forty-eight million (48,000,000) dollars worth of these bonds shall be offered in exchange, at their nominal value, for the total prior secured bonds issued at present. When effecting the exchange of the prior secured bonds, such industrialists as received them in payment of contributions of Companies incorporated into Cosach, shall make the necessary agreements so that the secured bonds received by them at the same time shall be recognized as the private debts of the companies where they originated.

The balance of 3,000,000 dollars shall be applied to the payment of the 3,000,000 dollars furnished to the nitrate industry through the Compañía Anglo-Chilena in December 1931, and appearing on the balance-sheets.

g) The bonds referred to in the previous paragraph shall be entitled to a fixed interest of 4% and an amortization of 2%, the payment of this amortization being subject to the ability of the industry to pay it. These bonds shall accrue interest and amortization as from January 1, 1934.

The interest of the bonds shall be guaranteed by such amount as may be deemed necessary for its service and the Sales Corporation shall be obligated to deposit it in the hands of the Trustees for the new bonds.

[Page 190]

h) Before the distribution of the remaining profits is made to the producers after service of the bonds, the Sales Corporation shall adjust the paid cost price by crediting to the producers with the lowest cost the difference between that figure and the one obtained by the producers with the highest cost.

i) The Corporation may not make any payment to the associated producers until the bonds issued by it have been served. This provision does not affect the producers not connected at the present moment with Cosach and the subsidiaries.

(3) The reorganization of the Cosach, Lautaro and Anglo-Chilena Companies shall be made on the basis of a valuation of their respective assets and the issue of bonds and stock to be distributed among their creditors and shareholders in the equitable manner mutually agreed upon among themselves.

The reorganization of Cosach does not exclude the segregation of some of the incorporated companies in order to form private producing enterprises, subject to the Sales Corporation and with a sales quota within the total assigned to Cosach.

The administration of the producing Companies shall be in the hands of the industrialists. The Government shall have the supervision which it has over all the industries of the country.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Translation supplied by the editors. A copy of this draft plan had previously been received informally by the American Embassy and transmitted to the Department in despatch No. 1443, April 29 (not printed).