
Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (Caffery)

When Dr. Zaldumbide called yesterday in connection with Cuba,21 I took the opportunity of informing him that the Department, while desiring to be helpful, did not feel itself in a position to take any further steps towards securing the inclusion of Ecuador in the boundary discussions between Colombia and Peru. I reminded Dr. Zaldumbide that at the time Mr. White called to the attention of the Colombian and Peruvian Governments Ecuador’s desire to be a party to the boundary discussions, he had given the Minister a memorandum which stated that the Department had now done all that it could and that any further representations must be carried on by the Ecuadoran Government itself. I also recalled to him that he had expressed his complete agreement with our views. I said that I believed that the action which the Ecuadoran Government desired us to take might not be well received; in fact, this action, if taken, might be detrimental to the Ecuadoran interests by proving to be “contraproducente”.

J[efferson] C[affery]
  1. See section entitled “Revolution in Cuba”, vol. v, pp. 270 ff.