
The Ecuadoran Minister (Zaldumbide) to the Secretary of State


The Minister of Ecuador at Washington had the honor in several interviews to express to the Honorable Mr. Francis White, then Assistant Secretary of State, the legitimate desire manifested by Ecuador to participate in the conversations or negotiations whereby the Governments of Colombia and Peru might attempt to arrive at a settlement of the conflict which originated at Leticia on September 1, 1932.

The reason for and the basis of the participation sought lies in the evident interest and the basic right which Ecuador has in closely scrutinizing everything connected with the region, the definitive international position of which will be the subject of the negotiations that the two countries which are neighbors and friends of Ecuador have fortunately undertaken. Ecuador’s own rights and interests, pending in the zone contiguous to the said region must in fact resolve themselves in their turn into a function of what may be decided in the contemplated negotiations for the adjustment of the [Page 575] Colombo-Peruvian controversy. The right of Ecuador to be present at these negotiations or to participate therein as a third party in a manner and spirit equally friendly toward both countries, is so much the more patent, as one of the points expressly mentioned by Peru in the present circumstances is the limited access of Ecuador to the Putumayo. And the desire being cherished as it is by America that all the territorial problems susceptible of disturbing relations between American states should come to an end for the sake of the peace and tranquillity of the Continent, this occasion seems the most propitious, for the common welfare, for also solving the already old boundary problem of Ecuador.

It appears natural, therefore, to desire that the latter Amazon problem should now be solved in reasonable harmony and concord and in the manner that all the interested parties may consider the most suitable, in discussing the matter.

On June 2 last,19 the Honorable Assistant Secretary of State, Mr. White, was good enough to advise the Legation of Ecuador of the cabled instructions that had been given on that same day to the diplomatic representatives of the United States at Lima and Bogotá, to submit to the consideration of the two friendly chancelleries this peaceful desire on the part of Ecuador to participate. The Chancellery of Ecuador, having been informed by the Minister at Quito, His Excellency Mr. Dawson, by means of a copy of the memorandum drawn up to that effect, duly appreciated it and expressed its official thanks.

As it has been decided by the Governments of Colombia and Peru that the negotiations are to be carried on at Rio, the moment appears to have arrived for putting into effect the recommendation contained in the said memorandum, reference to which, on this occasion, is doubly grateful to the Minister of Ecuador.

Although that memorandum stated that the friendly recommendation made therein was the most that the Department of State could do, it is perhaps not too much to hope that that high recommendation be now recalled to mind in order that on this first occasion it may be duly taken into account.

The interest which the Department of State is showing in continental harmony would induce it to take this step now, [even]20 if it had not already kindly consented to do so.

The Department of State will no doubt see its way clear to recall to mind on this occasion its former friendly recommendation to the parties directly interested, before which, moreover Ecuador is continuing very hopefully its efforts directed entirely toward seeking harmony through the solution of all the problems pending in that important region of common interest.

  1. See memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State, June 2, p. 568.
  2. Brackets appear in file translation.