The Peruvian Embassy to the Department of State
The League of Nations, mediating at the request of Colombia in the controversy between Peru and Colombia over territories situated in the Amazon region, proposes, according to information transmitted to the Embassy by the Peruvian Government, that hostilities should cease immediately; that the territory in dispute be placed under the administration of a Commission appointed by the League, until negotiations between Peru and Colombia reach a satisfactory end; that an international force be organized by the League to maintain order in the territory during the negotiations; that the Commission appointed by the League be authorized to choose, according to its best judgment, the forces it may require for that purpose; and that negotiations be started at once to examine the legitimate interests of Peru with regard to boundary rectifications.
The Peruvian Government, in their sincere desire peacefully to settle their present controversy with Colombia, are willing to accept these proposals. Any friendly suggestion to the Colombian Government, tending to advise them also to accept these proposals, would be appreciated, since the terms seem fair and negotiations undertaken in these conditions offer good prospects of a successful agreement.