724.3415/2771: Telegram
The Minister in Paraguay (Wheeler) to the Secretary of State
[Received 12:40 p.m.]
6. Your telegram No. 1, January 10, 1 p.m.23 Yesterday this Government received a cable from the Paraguayan Minister in Santiago giving the outline of a proposal, similar to that of your telegram which he reported has been telegraphed by Cruchaga to Argentina, Brazil and Peru inviting them to a joint consideration thereof. Up to the present Paraguay has received nothing direct on the subject but Ayala is momentarily expecting that the matter will be formally broached. Yesterday he preferred not to express any opinion as to the proposal itself unless and until it should reach him direct except to say that Paraguay would of course be glad to receive and consider any proposals drawn up by the Neutrals and the four neighbor powers in conjunction.
It is plain, however, that he seriously doubts whether the Neutrals and the neighbors together would be able to devise any guarantee, other than demilitarization, which Paraguay would willingly accept as a condition for ceasing hostilities pending a discussion, that he is convinced would be a protracted one and which Bolivia would be able to utilize to increase her military effectiveness.