710.G International Law/8: Telegram

The Minister in Uruguay (Wright) to the Acting Secretary of State

48. I have communicated your telegram number 33, December 28, 7 p.m., to the Secretary at Buenos Aires by telephone. The English text of the general nationality convention is based upon the following translation.

  • “Article 1. Naturalization of any individual before the competent authorities of any of the signatory states carries with it the loss of the nationality of origin.
  • Article 2. The state bestowing naturalization shall communicate this fact through diplomatic channels to the state of which the naturalized individual was a national.
  • Article 3. The provisions of the preceding articles do not revoke or modify the convention on naturalization signed in Rio de Janeiro the 13th of August 1906.49
  • Article 4. In case of the transfer of a portion of territory on the part of one of the states signatory hereof to another of such states, the inhabitants of such transferred territory must not consider themselves as nationals of the state to which they are transferred, unless they expressly opt to change their original nationality.
  • Article 5. Naturalization confers nationality solely on the naturalized individual and the loss of nationality, whatever shall be the form in which it takes place, affects only the person who has suffered the loss.
  • Article 6. Neither matrimony nor its dissolution affects the nationality of the husband or wife or of their children, to which the American delegation will add the following reservation ‘The delegation of the United States of America, in signing this convention on nationality, makes the reservation that the agreement on the part of the United States is, of course and of necessity, subject to Congressional action’.”

Although, as indicated in third paragraph of my telegram 47, December 28, 9 a.m., the delegation has undertaken to sign the convention it will not be signed here until the final official text has been submitted to me to be checked with foregoing and until I receive your further instructions.
