793.94/5980: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

221. Following from American Consul General at Tientsin:

“March 6, 5 p.m. My March 4, 3 p.m. Instructions were received from Nanking yesterday and Chinese have replied alleging that Japanese have illegally made use of the special privileges of the protocol and abused its terms by occupying Shanhaikwan by force and stationing great number of troops Tientsin. Chinese claim obliged under this pressure temporarily station troops at Moukaitsang and some other places maintenance peace and order and protection lives and property foreigners and Chinese. Reply also stated this does not violate in the least protocol or the 1902 exchange of notes. Japanese reminded that other nations are signatories and that abuse of privileges by Japan has created existing situation North China for which reason Japan not entitled to demand withdrawal of troops. Trench digging vicinity Tangku attributed to practice maneuvering in preparation for self-defense which action does not violate spirit of protocol. Reply delivered to Japanese today.”
