817.00 Woodward Electoral Mission/229

The Chairman of the United States Electoral Mission (Woodward) to the Secretary of State

Sir: I hereby tender my resignation as Chairman of the United States Electoral Mission to Nicaragua, with rank of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, which office I hold by virtue of my commission from the President of the United States dated 24 December, 1931, transmitted by your letter of instructions to me dated 30 December, 1931.

The detailed report covering the activities of that Mission in Supervising the Elections for Supreme Authorities in Nicaragua, held on 6 November, 1932, is submitted herewith.44

Under date of 11 January, 1933, I tendered my resignation as President of the National Board of Elections of Nicaragua to the President of the Supreme Court of that Country, which letter was forwarded through your office.

Very respectfully,

C. H. Woodward
  1. See infra.