
The Chargé in El Salvador (McCafferty) to the Secretary of State

No. 116

Sir: With reference to my telegram No. 87 of June 8, 1932 (5 p.m.),24 I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy and translation of a public manifesto24 of General Maximiliano H. Martínez which was published in the Diario Oficial of June 8, 1932, in which he makes known publicly his intention of disregarding the provisions of the 1923 Treaty.

In this proclamation the de facto President declares that since an overwhelming majority of the people of the country has requested him to remain in office and to cease any further efforts to obtain recognition from foreign governments, he accedes to their wishes and will continue in the exercise of the Presidency for the remainder of the constitutional term, in other words until March 1, 1935. He emphasizes the legality of his regime on the ground that he was elected Vice President by a large majority of the ballots cast in January, 1931.

It will be noted that he makes special reference to the fact that the Central American and foreign states have maintained and are maintaining the best international and fraternal relations with his government in spite of the lack of recognition. He apparently feels that since many of the powers still maintain legations and consulates in El Salvador and permit Salvadoran legations and consulates to function in their countries, the refusal of foreign nations to recognize him has not vitally affected his government, therefore recognition is a matter of minor concern and he can continue on in office for the reminder of the constitutional term, disregarding the provisions of the 1923 Central American Treaty.

I am reliably informed that his advisers have been telling him that non-recognition is of no importance since he has been able to carry [Page 603] on without it for many months, that the other Central American States have only insisted upon the fulfillment of the terms of the 1923 Treaty because they were forced to do so by the pressure of the United States Government, that it would be foolish for him to step aside when he has shown that he can maintain himself without recognition, and that even with recognition he could not hope to obtain any money from abroad to relieve the present serious state of finances of the Government.

Most of the thinking people here who have an interest in the country and who are not seeking public office or public favors, realize that if Martínez is able to maintain himself in the Presidency in disregard of the terms of the 1923 Treaty, it will undo a large part of the good work which has been accomplished in the past nine years in preventing ambitious persons from using violent measures to get into power and that it will encourage revolutionary movements in all Central American countries.

With reference to my despatch No. 112 of June 7, 1932,25 it would now seem that the loan of $400,000 which General Martínez asked Mr. Renwick to endeavor to obtain for him in order to purchase an exorbitant and unnecessary amount of ammunition, is for the purpose of maintaining himself in office.

Respectfully yours,

W. J. McCafferty
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Not printed.