816.01/133: Telegram

The Chargé in El Salvador (McCafferty) to the Secretary of State

66. Referring to my telegram No. 57, March 8, 4 p.m., the Ministers of War and Gobernación called this morning to discuss the political situation and to request a little longer time to convince all the military that they should agree to support Garay if and when Martínez resigns. They added that their efforts would be strengthened if they could have the absolute assurance that the United States Government [Page 590] would recognize Garay when he took office constitutionally. I replied that I could not find anything in the treaty which would bar Garay from recognition. This statement seemed to satisfy them. I am informed that some of the military still desire to have Colonel Menéndez named First Designate. I mentioned this to them and stressed the possible serious difficulties which might ensue if an endeavor were made at the present time to force the present Designates to resign in order that new ones might be named. I told them that in the interest of the welfare of the country and the maintenance of a stable administration I believed that the military should agree to remain united in support of a government established in conformity with the Constitution and the provisions of the 1923 treaty. They agreed that they felt that this was the only policy to pursue and that they would call a meeting of the principal military officers today and endeavor to convince them that they should unite in support of such a government so as to prevent future unrest and a possible resurgence of communist activities. They also insinuated that perhaps the supporters of Colonel Menéndez would be satisfied if he were offered a Cabinet Ministry such as Foreign Affairs.
