832.00 Revolutions/268: Telegram

The Consul General at São Paulo (Cameron) to the Secretary of State

Official communication reports fighting on all fronts yesterday but no ground lost. Minas Geraes and Paraná State troops fighting with the enemy, and São Paulo realizes that for the present this State aided only by railway zone of Matto Grosso is being attacked by all the remainder of Brazil. Decree of July 19 extends holidays to include 23rd after which courts will cease functioning until further instructions, only minor judicial proceedings being permitted.

With reference to news regarding São Paulo reported to have been broadcasted in the United States the only bombardment of this city up to date has been innocuous aerial bombardment described in my telegram July 17, 1 p.m. Nearest artillery of the Dictator is beyond Cruzeiro more than 150 miles from here. I respectfully suggest the publication of a statement that all American citizens and property in São Paulo uninjured. All inquiries may be answered accordingly since any information to the contrary will be transmitted without delay.
