
The Secretary of the Special Boundary Tribunal, Guatemala–Honduras (Cohen), to the Secretary of State

Sir: After a careful study of the evidence submitted by Counsel for both Parties, the Guatemala–Honduras Special Boundary Tribunal made the following Ruling at its meeting of June 29, 1932:

“In view of the inadequacy of the topographical data with respect to certain portions of the territory in dispute, the Tribunal, referring to Article XIII of the Treaty of Arbitration of July 16, 1930, and in order to accomplish its purposes, directs that arrangements be made for the submission by the Governments of Guatemala and Honduras to the Tribunal, as soon as possible, of photographs and map of an aerial survey embracing the following described territory:

Beginning at a point on the coast of the Gulf of Honduras at and including Omoa; thence in a southwesterly direction to and including Cerro San Ildesonso; thence to Quimistan; thence to Macuelizo; thence to and including Cerro Azul; thence to San Augustin Boca del Monte; thence to and including Cerro Erapuquita; thence to and including Cerro Oscuro; thence to and including Cima Cuchilla Dantas; thence to and including Cerro Brujo, on the boundary of El Salvador; thence in a northerly direction to and including Quebrada Pedernales; thence to and including the confluence of the Mapa River with the Play on River; thence along and embracing the course of the Jupilingo River to and including Caparja; thence to and including Cerro Chaguites; thence to and including Cerro Ceniza; thence to, and embracing the course of, the Managua River to its confluence with the Motagua River; and thence along and embracing the course of the Motagua River to the sea.

The Secretary of the Tribunal is directed to take all appropriate steps for the carrying out of this order and to supervise all proceedings in connection with the making of said arrangements and the filing of said photographs and map.

Charles Evans Hughes
Luis Castro-Ureña
Emilio Bello-Codesido

At the suggestion of Mr. S. W. Boggs, Geographer of the Department of State, who has been unofficially advising the Tribunal on cartographic matters, Mr. S. H. Birdseye, Engineer Assistant to the Director of the Geological Survey and a recognized authority on Aerial Mapping, was consulted as to the best way of carrying out the instructions of the Tribunal. His recommendations and suggestions [Page 375] are incorporated in the final Memorandum of July 5, 1932, a copy of which is enclosed herewith.23

The Tribunal approved the program of work drawn up by Mr. Birdseye, and the Governments of Guatemala and of Honduras, on agreeing to furnish the information requested by the Tribunal, entrusted this Secretariat with the actual arrangements for the making of the aerial Survey.

In view of the constant and unfailing interest the Government of the United States has shown in connection with the settlement of the long-standing boundary controversy now under adjudication by the Tribunal, and pursuant to the instructions given me in the Ruling above transcribed, I have the honor to place before you the formal request of the Tribunal for your invaluable assistance in securing from the War, Interior, and Commerce Departments the facilities indicated in the Memoranda attached hereto.

The Tribunal undertakes to return in good order such field instruments and equipment as may be loaned for use by the surveying party, and to reimburse the various Departments of the United States Government, through the Department of State, for the salaries, allowances, or other expenses customarily paid the personnel whose services may be required, and for such materials and supplies as may be needed in the work.

I avail myself [etc.]

B. Cohen
  1. Not printed.