724.3415/1889: Telegram
The Paraguayan Minister for Foreign Affairs (Arbo) to the Secretary of State 42
[Received 4:25 p.m.]
I am replying to the telegraphic note of yesterday from Your Excellency and members of the Commission of Neutrals in which it [Page 48] is requested that Paraguay commit no hostile act in the Chaco which may aggravate the present situation and make good offices ineffective. In accordance with pacific purposes my Government I confirm promise made my despatch 22nd instant that Paraguay will not commit any act of hostility against the Bolivian forces and that at present she is limiting herself to taking precautions to defend herself in view mobilization two classes reserves decreed by Bolivian Government and active concentration elements on the Chaco which is being carried on. In requesting from us for the second time paralysation military activities, we assume Your Excellency has some confidence that Bolivia also will accede request, for which reason I ask that Your Excellency be good enough to give me an answer as soon as possible, as it would not be just that our love of peace prejudice defense of our country, which might occur if Bolivia turns a deaf ear to the call for peace while our country heeds it.
- Copy transmitted to the Bolivian Minister for Foreign Affairs by the Representatives of the Neutral Countries in telegram of July 28.↩