724.3415/1829: Telegram

The Ambassador in Argentina (Bliss) to the Secretary of State

54. Your 38, July 12, 5 p.m. Minister of Foreign Affairs told me this afternoon that he had already counselled the Paraguayan Minister that his Government should make every effort to reach an agreement [Page 143] at the Washington conference and that Argentina had its declaration of neutrality ready and would issue it at once in case the Washington negotiations failed and hostilities were declared. I said to him I felt sure that if he were to recommend Paraguay not to withdraw from the conference his counsel would be most helpful. To this the Minister responded he was very desirous that the conference should succeed and that Argentina had no wish to act in the matter in any other sense than to bring about by advice a successful outcome in Washington.

The Paraguayan Minister yesterday afternoon denied categorically to me that he had taken any such action as indicated in your 37 of July 9, 1 p.m.
