123 C 353/199: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

11. Following from American Consul [General], Mukden:

“January 3, noon. Consul Chamberlain, on the way to the station [Page 729] in my car at 6:30 a.m., was stopped by three Japanese soldiers who, after he had identified himself by card and passport, without justification attacked him, striking him in the face many times. Face badly bruised but otherwise uninjured. Incident verbally reported to Japanese Consulate General with the request that severe penalty be meted out.

Chamberlain will leave for Harbin this afternoon.”

Legation has brought the foregoing orally to the attention of the Japanese Chargé d’Affaires here and is requesting Myers to report result of his representation.

Repeated to the Department.
