793.94/4424: Telegram

The Consul General at Shanghai (Cunningham) to the Secretary of State

113. Continuing my daily report 111, February 25, 5 p.m.

There is little or no change in the general situation since my report of yesterday. Japanese have reported that this morning at 8:30 they raided the Hangchow aerodrome with 25 planes during which time they are alleged to have destroyed a number of Chinese planes. This report has not been confirmed.
Mr. Jun Ke Choy, representative of the Mayor, states that the Chinese Government at Nanking had been opposed to offensive measures until the delivery of the Japanese ultimatum on February 19th. Now they are in favor of an offensive campaign and that probably the next move would be to bring down some two hundred thousand odd Chinese soldiers who have been fighting the Communists in Kiangsi Province and turn that Province over to the Communists. He said that it would be 2 or 3 weeks before they would arrive and they would probably come by way of Chekiang. It is difficult to connect this alleged act as a military operation in connection with defense of the International Settlement.

Repeated to the Legation, Nanking. Copy to Minister.
