640.0031 Danube/131

The Minister in Czechoslovakia (Ratshesky) to the Secretary of State

No. 721

Sir: I have the honor to report that the collapse of the Four Power Conference called in London to discuss the proposed Danubian Federation has caused no surprise in Prague. While willing to cooperate in any feasible plan Czechoslovakia has regarded as improbable the successful presentation of any new scheme at present. All parties seem united in the theory that Czechoslovakia must not depend on outside help and that up to the present she can stand alone. It is felt, however, that some such economic federation is inevitable sooner or later and that Czechoslovakia, while she can afford to wait, would much prefer to see some action taken before the bankruptcy of Austria or Hungary which would cause an unfortunate repercussion here. Later conferences on this subject will be regarded with calm scepticism until there appears to be some change in the German attitude which Czechoslovakia accepts at present without rancor.

Respectfully yours,

A. C. Ratshesky