640.0031 Danube/109
The Chargé in Poland (Flack) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 19.]
Sir: With reference to despatch No. 1367 of March 9, 19325 reporting Poland’s early attitude toward the French proposal of a Danube Federation, I have the honor to add that the Polish press and the Polish official world have as yet scarcely recovered from the shock to Poland’s prestige at not having been summoned to consult with the Great Powers of Europe concerning the evolution of this idea.
It was announced in the press this week that following the forthcoming Four Power Conference in London, Poland and other countries which might be interested would be called to a wider conference. In this connection I called on M. Roman, Economic Adviser of the Foreign Office and asked if this announcement was correct. In reply he informed me of Poland’s general position as follows:
“Poland approves of and would assist an arrangement which would increase the purchasing power of the Central European States. It could not approve of the formation of a self-sufficient group. Poland sends 25% of its exports to the Danubian Group mentioned and imports therefrom 15% of its incoming goods. Poland has a favorable trade balance with this group which it would have the greatest difficulty in replacing in the event of the constitution of an economically self-sufficient Federation. Poland’s action will depend on the outcome of the Four Power Conference at London and the examination of the financial affairs of the Danube States by the League of Nations on April 12. It is felt that Poland must protect its economic interests in Central Europe.”
It is evident that should the Tardieu plan evolve in such a way as to ignore Poland’s economic interests, that Poland would endeavor to secure some compensation for a loss in trade with the Danubian [Page 856] countries, and should such compensation be guaranteed would be more heartily in favor of the plan than at present seems to be the case.
There is enclosed a copy of a translation of an interview granted by Dr. Roman to the official P.A.T. Agency6 indicating the reserve with which Poland views the Tardieu plan.
Respectfully yours,