800.51W89 Estonia/60a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Estonia (Carlson)
1. Reference Department’s circular telegram of February 26, 1932, repeated to you from Paris, with reference to the conclusion of agreement legalizing one year postponement of debt payments, and Department’s instruction No. 3 of April 21, 1932,26 transmitting [Page 596] memorandum of interview at which Acting Secretary of State handed Estonian Vice Consul draft of an agreement and informed him of Treasury’s desire to have matter settled as soon as possible.
Treasury now informs Department that it desires to have agreement signed not later than May 25. Please inquire of Estonian Government as to present status of matter and if necessary instructions have not been issued, urge that action be expedited so that Estonian Vice Consul in New York may be instructed in time to sign agreement not later than May 25.
Cable briefly result of your inquiry.
- Not printed.↩