500.A15A4 Steering Committee/161: Telegram

The Chargé in Germany (Gordon) to the Secretary of State

221. The French disarmament plan has encountered general antagonism in Germany. It has been criticized semi-officially as not being a disarmament plan but merely a political organization of Europe to safeguard French security by maintaining the status quo, and as not realizing Germany’s equality claim. The only idea found sound was that of standardizing continental armies. Entire German press [Page 398] destructively critical ever since publication of text which right press described as “grotesque”, “indiscussable” and “unacceptable” while left press voiced keen disappointment and complained of plan’s ambiguousness.

On the other hand initial reaction to Simon’s Geneva speech has been favorable in moderate and social democratic press which considers it a plea for German equality. Right press regards it as intended to soothe Germany and to bring her back to Geneva but as according her only “moral” equality.

Copy by mail to Geneva.
