President Hoover to the Secretary of
Washington, May 24,
My Dear Mr. Secretary: Please find
enclosed herewith copy of the memorandum I read at Cabinet this
morning. I am putting this forward only for your consideration.
Yours faithfully,
In view of the continued economic degeneration of the world and
of the ineffectiveness of accomplishment at the disarmament
Conference, it may be desirable to consider a change in American
policies in relation to this conference. It has been the well
considered policy of the United States not to take the
leadership of the conference because the problems are so
essentially European, but to endeavor as a friend of all parties
to secure that the governments primarily concerned should accept
their real responsibilities and confine American activities to
encouragement. The divisions and dissentions amongst them, the
inability to get together on any constructive program; the
economic situation in the world has become so much more acute,
the need of the American people and the world generally for some
lift in spirit. If it could be properly formulated some bolder
constructive suggestion might help pull the world from this
- 1.
- The world is spending $5,000,000,000 a year on armament, a
large part of which is unnecessary for the maintenance of
internal order. The balance is expended upon fears of
invasion. I presume 2/3 of this sum would be totally
unnecessary if the military forces of the world could be
reduced to the minimum necessary for police forces. If such
a thing could be brought about the governmental debt of the
world could be discharged in 20 years from these savings
- 2.
- Although we have made every human effort to curtail naval
forces, we must recognize that the continuing naval strength
of the leading powers is solely a relative matter and that
it does bear some relation to the land armament (a solely
European problem).
- 3.
- We have already suggested that statistically and for
visualization purposes the police component of armies should
be separated from the defense components. Standards have
been set up by the disarmament conference which enables
these calculations to be made in respect to each country
using the standard set for Germany in the Treaty of
Versailles as a basis of the police component. We have
denominated the “defense component” as a matter of
relativity. If we assume that any progress has been made
through the Kellogg Pact49
and the League we can assume that the need for the defense
component has diminished relatively among the governments
possessing such components.
- 4.
- We have suggested that the world by agreement is now armed
only for defense and as the dangers to the world are
offensive action, therefore all major offensive weapons
should be abolished which will render smaller defense
components necessary and increase the potency of defense. It
would also increase the importance of the Pact and the
League processes of peace.
- 5.
- The question of naval relations to this problem has been
raised. Our American Navy is about $1,000,000,000 in capital
expenditure below parity with necessary early replacements.
If we could secure a reduction of naval arms we could save
this entire expenditure and make large savings in operation
of forces at present maintained. If we were willing to take
this step it is possible the British would also be willing.
With ourselves and the British willing it is possible the
Japanese might also join. Any step of this sort would of
course involve a requirement that France and Italy should
take part and such steps might in turn relieve demands upon
France for large land forces and in turn relieve Italy for
her forces in defense against France, etc.
- 6.
- As a result of these premises I am suggesting
consideration of some proposal as follows:
- 1.
- Reduce by one-third the battleship strength of the
world as now settled in the Washington and London
naval treaties.50
- 2.
- Abolish all aircraft carriers.
- 3.
- Reduce cruiser strength provided for the three
signatories of the London Treaty by one-third and
require that France and Italy undertake no further
construction of this category.
- 4.
- Reduce destroyer strength provided for the three
signatories of the London Treaty by one-third and
require that France and Italy make no increase in
tonnage above present construction.
- 5.
- Abolish all submarines.
- 6.
- Abolish all military aviation except for scouting
- 7.
- Abolish all mobile land guns of more than 6-inch
- 8.
- Abolish all tanks.
- 9.
- Abolish poison gas.
- 10.
- Reduce defense component of all armies by
If such a program were announced with sincerity today it might
give new hope and a new lift to the entire spirit of the world.
For the Disarmament Conference to dissolve with a mere minor
agreement will be a calamity. Civilization is seriously
jeopardized by continuation of its present arms.
I recognize that armament is both a cause and effect of political
instability and that while there are many points of political
friction that need cure, yet they cannot be cured by any
political agreements that the world is prepared to accept. But
one of the contributions to cure is the dissolution of fear
which haunts the world as a result of its massed armaments.