
The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

No. 1931
L. N. No. 1955

Sir: I have the honor to forward herewith a communication addressed to you by the Secretary General of the League of Nations, under date of March 11, 1931 (C.L.44.1931.XI),88 with which he encloses the report of the Advisory Committee on Traffic in Opium and other dangerous drugs, (C.168.M.62.1931.XI), drawn up by that Committee with a view to the limitation of manufacture of narcotics and draft convention to that purpose.

Under instructions from the Council, the Secretary General further invites your attention to the fact that the draft convention is somewhat wider in scope than the original resolution of the Tenth Assembly. The Council has also decided to submit to the Governments the suggestion contained in the letter addressed to it by the President of the Permanent Central Board, dated January 9th, 1931 (C.110.1931.XI, of which a copy is enclosed88), in which he invites attention to a divergence between the English and French texts of Article 24 of the Geneva Convention.

The Secretary General requests you to take the necessary steps that the delegates of the American Government to the May Conference may [Page 653] be in a position both to deal with the question raised by the President of the Permanent Central Board and to discuss the limitation of all derivatives of opium and the coca leaf, as well as the control of the quantity limited by the future convention.

Respectfully yours,

Hugh R. Wilson
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.