The British Ambassador (Lindsay) to the Secretary of State
Sir; With reference to my note No. 350 of the 18th instant72 and previous correspondence regarding the proposed preliminary conference of the Governments of the countries in which narcotic drugs are manufactured, I have the honour to inform you that I have now received [Page 648] the reply of His Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to the points raised in your note of the 12th instant.
Mr. Henderson73 states that the matters to be discussed at the preliminary conference are indicated in paragraph 8 of appendix 5 of the Opium Advisory Committee’s Report on the work of its thirteenth session,74 and that it is not proposed to bring up any other subjects. Mr. Henderson adds that it is understood that Mr. Caldwell has already received direct from the League of Nations the documents which have hitherto been issued for the use of the preliminary conference, that further documents are in course of preparation and that it is presumed that Mr. Caldwell will receive them in due course.
I have [etc.]