The Belgian Ambassador (May) to the Acting Secretary of
Washington, June 30,
No. 1816
Mr. Under Secretary of State: I have
the honor to send Your Excellency herewith the reply made by the
King’s Government to the proposal of the President of the United
States which Mr. Stimson communicated to me orally on the 20th
of June, last.
I avail myself [etc.]
The Belgian
Embassy to the Department
of State
The Belgian Government has welcomed the proposal of the
President of the United States as an act of great
significance; it sees in
[Page 178]
this act the beginning of a great work
of international solidarity tending to a general economic
recovery, the mere prospect of which is already giving rise
everywhere to a feeling of confidence and hope. Indeed, the
grave difficulties of the present moment can be overcome
only if the peoples become aware of their common interest,
eliminate all causes of anxiety and discord, unite their
efforts, permit a broad spirit of cooperation and mutual
aid. The Belgian nation sincerely desires the success of the
American initiative. It is, however, unanimous in recalling
that Belgium retains an imprescriptible right to reparation
for the damages which she unjustly suffered. This right has
been sanctioned by solemn declarations of the Governments,
as well as by agreements concluded between them. It has
never been contested, and it caused the extension to
Belgium, in the regulation of the reparations and the war
debts, of a special treatment which there is no reason to
set aside.
Under these conditions, it would obviously not be admissible
that the mutual aid projected should impose on Belgium
consequences of a particularly onerous character and expose
her to grave financial difficulties. Under reservation of
these considerations, the Belgian Government adheres very
sincerely to the principle of the proposal, in the
conviction that the President of the United States will
appreciate the necessity of so determining the methods of
execution as to reconcile the plan contemplated with the
legitimate special situation and rights of Belgium.