
Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Castle) of a Conversation With the Japanese Ambassador (Debuchi)

The Ambassador said that he wanted to tell me in a very confidential manner the bases on which Baron Shidehara would like to have direct negotiations with the Chinese. He said that Baron Shidehara had not expressed these various points directly in his talk in Tokyo with the Chinese Minister, but that he had undoubtedly indicated his policy. He said that although these five points would probably leak out in Geneva they were for the moment entirely confidential. Baron Shidehara would like to have direct negotiations with the Chinese based on the following points:

Mutual declaration of non-aggressive policy or action in Manchuria.
Mutual engagements to suppress hostile agitation.
Reaffirmation by Japan as to the territorial integrity of China, including Manchuria.
Japanese subjects in Manchuria to be sufficiently protected by the Chinese when carrying on their peaceful and legitimate proceedings.
Arrangements to be reached between Japan and China for the prevention of ruinous railway competition and for the carrying into effect of existing railway agreements.

Mr. Debuchi pointed out that these five points were all included in present treaties.

W[illiam] R. C[astle,] Jr.