The Consul General at Shanghai (Cunningham) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 14.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to the question of the failure of the local Chinese authorities to stamp the deeds to property in Shanghai acquired by the Shanghai Power Company, an American corporation, through the purchase of the Shanghai Electric Light Plant, which formed the subject of the Legation’s telegram to the Department No. 42 of January 13, 1930, 3 p.m., and the Department’s reply thereto No. 18 of January 16, 1930, 3 p.m.
In accordance with the Department’s instructions this Consulate General insisted that the Chinese authorities observe the procedure laid down in the Shanghai Land Regulations, and, after many interviews with the Mayor of the Municipality of Shanghai and the Director of the Land Bureau of the Municipality, the Chinese authorities agreed to stamp the deeds in the customary manner. The deeds in question, stamped by the Land Bureau of the Municipality of Shanghai, have now been received by this Consulate General.
I have [etc.]